Game Audio 

 Cinematic Games

With Boots On Sound, your game can have a big score- even if you don't have big budget. This video takes the viewer through three distinct changing levels of tension in a cinematic score for a short scene from, "Uncharted". 

Sound Design

This clip from "The Last of Us" is a full SFX replacement using sounds created at our studio.  It is detailed, quiet, and subtle.  Levels were boosted substantially for this video, but headphones are still recommended for the best experience.

Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming is 60% of the gaming industry- and there are some unique challenges that come with making small games that work on lots of devices.  Boots on Sound has experience working in highly constrained environments, and can help you get the custom sounds, voices, and music you need for your game to be a great success!  

Original Music

We love to write music!  This is an example inspired by the music from the Mega Man game series.  The song starts as a low-fi chiptune, and as the games in the video evolve the music evolves with it until it is fully modern.